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Enroll In Our Reality
Acne Bootcamp Sarasota

Acne Sucks!


Why enroll in the Face Reality Acne Bootcamp Sarasota? The short answer is because it WORKS! Which is why I made enrolling in the Acne Bootcamp 1. Affordable and 2. Easy to pay for, so that you can see for yourself.

How? You can either pay in full or take advantage of a payment plan that breaks your payments into 4 bi-weekly payments. Click here to purchase!  But WAIT! How about reading the content below first? that way you can know why I’m so excited for you, now that you’re ready to kick your acne in the butt once and for all!


Look, if you have tried countless treatments, including the latest fads, retail acne products, and prescribed oral and topical medications, only to discover that they simply don’t work or at best provided a temporary solution or cover- up, it’s time to let  Face Reality prove to you that it’s not a temporary solution and definitely not a cover up for acne.

By now, you know that Acne doesn’t care if you are a pre-teen, teenager, or  middle-aged adult, it doesn’t discriminate against color, social class or  Just as it doesn’t care if you have picked, squeezed, scratched and popped every zit, new and old to get rid of your acne, only to discover that any of the above attempts, may cause  your acne lesions to bleed, become inflamed, promote the spread of acne causing-bacteria and scab over, before the area that you picked turns into yet another acne scar, that over time can lead to mild or severe hyperpigmentation and  pitted skin. Outside of the physical appearance of acne, you might also feel embarrassment, loss of confidence, insecure, judgement or mild to deep depression, as acne takes you down the path of not feeling good in your own skin, for that reason, as an Esthetician who believes the the Face Reality Brand,  without a doubt in my mind, it’s time for YOU to FACE REALITY!

Click Here To Get Started

The key to becoming Acne Free

is your commitment to stick with a brand that works and delivers what it says it will.


that just like countless others who made the commitment to kick their acne in the butt, you can do the same thing too and clear your acne once and for all. .

Drag to see the before & after

Face Reality is an Acne Protocol

that can take you from where you are to where you want to be.

What makes this system different from every other system / brand you’ve tried?

In a nutshell and simply put, it’s different because it works. I’ll say it again…

So don’t wait another minute, scroll down to see what you need to do to schedule your first Face Reality Facial appointment.

Noninflamed Acne

Inflamed Acne

Acne & Hyperpigmentation


In Only 4 Steps

Kick acne in the butt!

Step 1​

The Consultation
In Person or Virtually


Step 1. Is a no pressure consultation which will last for 30 minutes with the primary focus being to shed light on the 4 C’s of your acne.

Cause – Commitment
Cure – Clearing

During this appointment you’ll get to answer a bunch of questions and have the opportunity to ask me a few questions in return.

You’ll learn about your acne and the commitment and steps that you need to follow, to enroll in the Acne Bootcamp. You will also learn about your homecare  and what it will consist of and the definite changes that you will need to make in order to make the program work for you  just as it has for countless others.

This program is NOT to be entered into lightly, and I cant begin to stress that enough. So, if you feel that you might not be able to commit 100% at this time and during the months ahead. It is better to delay your start and come back when you are fully able to give the program your all.

Face Reality is able to present success rates of over  90% in clearing acne during a period of 3 – 4 months, because of clients that made the commitment to follow the program a 100% .

Step 2

First Facial
Products & Supplies


 Step 2  Face Reality Acne Bootcamp begins.

During Step 2  you will receive your Face Reality Folder, with  homecare  instructions. Face Reality  Products and “Starter Supplies” Before Pictures.

Though I want this to be a fun experience for you as you see the transformation from having acne to becoming acne free, your commitment towards following the program step by step is essential.

Step two provides everything that you will need to begin your journey.

During this appointment you will receive a thorough skin analysis, Face Reality Facial. Face Reality products and instructions for your home care regimen .

Step two is  where you get to say out loud, “Clear Skin here I come!” And for the first time, BELIEVE IT!

If you are enrolling in Bootcamp virtually, you will be provided with a Telehealth access code so that you can attend your Bootcamp sessions.

You will also be provided with a  list of all that you will need to have access to during your sessions.


Step 3

Face Reality Facial
Visible Changes
Progress Pictures

2/ 45 Minute Facials Monthly $170

Step 3   2 appointments each month.  Progress charting and pictures will be taken at each appointment so that you can see  visible changes that Face Reality delivers as you become acne free and clear.

This will be a great time for you as you see your acne diminishing. That been said remember that this is the most crucial part in your acne skincare and it does not come without a strict protocol and home care regimen.

During the boot camp you will be expected to make in person visits every 2 weeks. Bootcamp enrollees who are following the program virtually are also required to  required attend sessions every 2 weeks also.

Whether in person or virtually your 2 week attendance is not negotiable.

During your bi weekly sessions your skincare products will be adjusted and given to you in person or mailed out to you if you are receiving your sessions virtually.

I encourage you to take pictures of your skin as it begins to clear. I know that this can be daunting for a lot of acne suffers, but trust me you’ll want to remember where you started and see every improvement in your skin along the way.

Step 4

& Maintenance
Acne Free & Clear

1 / 30 Minute Facial
Monthly $75

Step 4. Celebration Time!
Yay! Acne Free and Clear!!

Before, during and after photo reviews, appointments once a month at a reduced price. Maintenance Review

Bootcamp Graduation is where we get to celebrate and you get to say, it was worth it!

During this step, though it is a time of celebration and you will need to complete 3 months of Maintenance appointments before your Bootcamp officially ends.

Appointments, will be each month and to monitor your skin outside of the strict treatment plan as you begin to reintroduce everyday products that were permitted during boot camp.

After you have completed the required 3 months of skin health maintenance you can decide if you wish to target  any hyperpigmentation, scarring or pitted skin that my have occurred prior to beginning Face Reality..

Maintenance is extremely important. But at the same time, you’ll be able to look back and see how far you’ve come.

Pictures don’t lie, but on Face Reality they do tell a story of once upon a time,  this was my skin, but look at me now.


Face Reality


The consultation knowledge One on One The first consultation and treatment appointment is scheduled for about 1 ½ hours and subsequent appointments are 30- 45 minutes. When you start to get clearer and there are fewer extractions to do, treatments will take less and less time.

There are no hidden fees whatsoever

The initial investment once you enroll in Bootcamp is $395. This includes the consultation and treatment, the products that you will need, skincare tools and supplies.

After that replacement for your products will cost between $150-$200. Most of the products will last roughly 8-12 weeks depending on the product and the regimen that you are placed on. The active ingredient products are purposefully put in smaller containers as these will be strengthened at different points in your treatment plan. 

Product usage is monitored which will enable you to know how many pumps and how much to dispense, so that you aren’t using too much and more importantly not using enough.

Your Bootcamp Essentials Backpack, will include everything you need to take you through the weeks ahead, so there is no additional shopping for you to do. 

The cost of treatments are $85.

Once you enroll in Bootcamp, I’ll analyze your acne and help you to figure out what’s causing your particular condition, You’ll receive useful information regarding products, diet recommendations,  household products, medications etc.

I’ll take some preliminary pictures to track your progress during each appointment and analyze your acne each time you come in for your appointments. 

You will be skin tested for sensitivities You will receive a homecare routine suited to your acne type, and be shown how to use the products. I’ll perform the treatment, which includes a mild corrective peel with extractions or a gentle enzyme treatment with steam and extractions.

Generally speaking, neither of these are uncomfortable. You may or may not experience some mild peeling after these treatments.

Yes, I perform extractions as and when they are needed as It’s the fastest way to get you clear. 

During your facial I will extract the current lesions out and the home care prevents the new ones from forming. It takes up to 90 days for acne to form and reach the surface of your skin, so in the 3-4 months that we are working with you, you will see breakouts. These are just old lesions coming to the surface that we will extract every two weeks.

Extractions can cause slight discomfort, but the process is tolerable and crucial for the processing of acne to promote the healing process.

During your treatments you will also receive other acne therapies.

Yes, this is part of our program. There are too many brands in the marketplace that have pore-clogging ingredients in them. To ensure clear skin, we recommend using our products alone. Acne is tricky enough to treat – we do not want to take any chances with other potentially harmful or comedogenic products.

The program works by taking into account the type of acne you have, the type of skin you have and how fast your skin adapts to products.

The Face Reality systems will push the skin to clear with products that penetrate the pore where acne starts. However, the system is not designed to push the skin past its tolerance because during treatments we want to skin to be hydrated and moisturized instead of dry and irritated.

The Face Reality system utilizes products which will prevent the new acne lesions from forming; as the old and existing acne lesions are extracted out so that in about 3-4 months your acne is under control.

You’ll be required you to stop your prescription products, two-four weeks before starting on the program. The protocol has found that prescription acne medications make the skin much too sensitive to use the system. Therefore the Face Reality Brand generally doesn’t recommend the use of any products or prescription medications outside of those used during the regimen. Quite simply, you would have to choose between following Bootcamp and the program or the prescription products that you are using.

I will take clients at whatever age they are breaking out. Acne does not discriminate – neither do I. Minors however need to be accompanied by an adult and guardians need to be authorized to give consent for treatments to begin when treating minors.

If you do your homecare twice a day and come in every two weeks for a treatment, you will most likely be clear in about three to four months. Some people might take a little longer depending on the nature of their acne and severity of their acne and how closely they follow the recommended homecare guidelines that they are given.

Yes, you can still enroll in the Acne Bootcamp, and you would do the program virtually, though you would not be receiving physical treatments other recommendations to combat this will be given.

The esthetician can explain more about that in your appointment. The Face Reality peels are  high quality blended corrective peels that have multiple purposes including thorough exfoliation, softening of comedones and they lighten pigmentation. They also prepare the skin for maximum absorption of our homecare products. They can actually help with signs of aging, as well.

You will need to use products to control your acne or until you outgrow acne; and no one knows when that is. Many people do outgrow acne, but we are unable to predict when, so you may have to use the products for a while to manage your acne, but not forever.

We can still treat you for acne, but first you will have to get a list from your doctor as to what ingredients they want you to avoid.

We can still treat you for acne,  during your facial however, because you will be enrolled in a Bootcamp program, that will include various modalities, as your acne clears, however, if you are a new client that has received any of the above mentioned modalities, a basic Face Reality facial will be given, until it is 100% safe for you to follow the protocol that is required to get you clear.

Join the Birthday Club!

Get pampered for your birthday by joining

The Arajee Skincare Birthday Club.

You’ll  receive an extra special birthday discount code the day before your birthday month that you can apply towards your favorite facials or body treatments.

This code is exclusively available to Birthday Club Subscribers only and  must be  redeemed during your birthday month for the discount to be applied.

So what are you waiting for? Subscribe today!