It’s not the brand or the quality of your makeup tools,
it’s the cleanliness that counts!
It’s nice to be able to afford the well know Brand names when buying makeup tools, but the truth is it doesn’t matter if you have the original BeautyBlender® or a beauty sponge knock-off. Mac Makeup brushes or Elf brushes from the Dollar Tree. However, if you want to have the optimum in skin health, your makeup tools need to be spot cleaned between each use and deep cleaned at once per week, and I can’t stress that enough.
The perfect breeding ground for bacterial growth to occur, dirty makeup tools can cause you to experience breakouts, skin irritations, full-fledged acne or worse fungal or staph infections and pink eye to name drop a few.
What I’m about to share with you next, will hopefully make things a game-changer for you in terms of making it a commitment to keep your makeup tools squeaky clean.
The fact is using dirty makeup brushes, applicators, sponges and powder puffs, can range from a Russian Roulette stance of being not too serious to being life threating. in fact, it’s actually terrifying to think about the fact that excluding this step from your beauty regimen could, in fact, turn out to be a deadly mistake.
Katie Wright, a 21-year-old from Austin, TX discovered just how deadly the use of dirty makeup tools can become when she applied her makeup with bacterially loaded makeup tools with pathogenic bacterias that almost cost her to lose her life.
After reading Katie’s story the urgency for me to make my clients aware that healthy skin is a result of much more than the creams that they apply to their faces became of paramount importance for me educate them on the preventative measures that they need to follow on a day to day basis, and if there is ever a need to question and asked why Katie’s story alone will make the reason why pretty evident.
Think about it, every time you touch your face without washing your hands or expose your skin to the environment be it inside or out. Each time you lay your face down on your pillowcase or use a facecloth without changing it for a new one each day microscopic particles of bacteria both non pathogenic (non-disease causing and pathogenic disease-causing, transfer to the skin and when mixed with sebum, which is your skin’s natural oils the combination promotes the growth of bacteria on the epidermis surface of the skin (the top layer) and go into the dermis, sometimes called the corium which is underneath the epidermis.
Add makeup and clean makeup tools to the mix and the non pathogenic bacteria remain happy, but sit those makeup brushes down inside your makeup bag or in a cute make up brush holder after you have used them along with applicators, sponges and powder puffs then freshen the look of your makeup with the same makeup tools knowing that they haven’t been cleaned them or your face, Bingo you’ve just created bacterial growth in the early stages.
As the bacteria multiply they will eventually erupt on the skin and each time you use your makeup brushes without cleaning them you continue to not only increase the bacteria on your tools but spread them all over your face.
So stop! Why put yourself through unnecessary suffering?
Apply makeup – spot clean tools by making it a part of your makeup routine.
And adopt a Deep Clean Friday makeup tools routine. If you don’t it could become life-threatening.